Arabe, Manga. Le Messie

Auteur : Hidenori Kumai | Illustrateur : Kozumi Shinozawa

Découvrez la plus grande nouvelle de tous les temps. Partez en Palestine découvrir la vie et l’enseignement de l’homme le plus controversé de l’Histoire. Mais qui est-il vraiment ?

Now presented in the Arabic language. Text adapted from the Injul. Manga (pronounced « mahn-ga") is the Japanese word for comics. It has become a huge hit with American teens and tweens. Manga has emerged as the most popular comics category and is one of the fastest growing genres in American publishing. Appealing to kids and adults, readers will find this edgy rendition of the Gospel accounts both compelling and highly engaging. This authentic, cutting-edge art style is combined with fast-paced storytelling to deliver biblical truths to an ever-changing culture that is often a challenge to penetrate. This is genuine Japanese manga style, unlike other Christian « manga » books in the marketplace.

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Arabe, Manga. Le Messie
Arabe, Manga. Le Messie
Arabe, Manga. Le Messie
Arabe, Manga. Le Messie
10,33 €
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